Wildlife Painting Showcase
hosted by OCPA (Online Catalog of Professional Artists)
Online Exhibition on the OCPA Homepage

Call for Entries:

Open to both OCPA member artists and non-members around the world

Entry category:
Wildlife paintings

Entry deadline: accepting entries during the exhibition

Entry fee:

For active OCPA members:

– First 3 images are free – click here for membership info
– $30 for additional 3 images (multiple payments for more images accepted)

For non-members:

– $30 for 3 images (multiple payments for more images accepted)

Entry submission:

Make your entry fee payment via the secured PayPal/credit card checkout above as needed.

Then send us the following items via email at: ocpa.ocpa@gmail.com

  • Your name
  • Your website link
  • Entry images (at least 1000 px each side, no limit on the file size) – attach to your email
  • Entry description – title, medium, size, price (if for sale), and any comment for each entry

We’ll send you a confirmation email shortly (within 24 hours) once we have received your entries.