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Linn Saffer

Los Primos Portugueses
oil on canvas
These men are cousins by marriage whom I met and befriended me while on a trip in New Orleans. I took a photograph of them when we were at a place that not only served as a restaurant, but had a bar and live cajun music and dancing. Thankfully, their wives weren't jealous.

oil on canvas
Nonna is Italian for Grandmother. I saw her when I was in Italy and photographed her while she was resting and smoking a cigarette without her knowledge because I thought she looked interesting to paint. Those streets where I was in Italy were cobblestone and even got me tired.

When She Loved Me #2
oil on canvas
This is a painting I did from a family photo which was taken when I went to visit my mother when I was on the mid winter break from teaching at the time and my mother was living in Florida. She took me to a combo dinner/cabaret, a popular form of entertain there, with a Brazilian theme.